Infinity Train (2016)

Infinity Train Review
Infinity Train is an animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network from 2016 to 2019. It’s a show that had a lot of potential, but ended up being just solid.
“I’m my own person who is getting off this train!“
The premise behind this series is intriguing. Basically, there is this mysterious, giant train that travels through a barren landscape, and each season deals with new characters entering the scene and having to go through challenges to access new parts of the train. There is a lot of psychological trauma and issues being explored here, which made the series very mature and complex.
The first of the four seasons was my least favorite. It simply did not have the sophistication that the others all did. Yes, it gave us this fascinating new world and the animation was superb as it was throughout, but there is no meat behind it. I liked the corgis and Tulip the protagonist, but otherwise the season is forgettable.
The second one is my favorite as the characters of Alan and Mirror Tulip were superbly realized and their dynamic was complicated and excellent. This is the most emotional season of the bunch and the most sophisticated in terms of the themes being explored.
The third season sees the most unlikable characters of the bunch, but it is very important as it deals with the subject of bullying surprisingly emotionally and bluntly. Simon and Grace worked as characters and the season is the darkest of the four for sure.
The fourth season is my second least favorite. I liked the service bell character quite a bit and the idea that this is the backstory to all of the show was well realized, but Ryan and Min-Gi were simply not memorable as the other protagonists on the show.
Infinity Train is very well animated and also so well scored. The themes, the characterization and the plot are the highlights, but a major downside is the pacing and the overall structure with ten minutes being not enough for one episode, and I really dislike this Cartoon Network trend of very short episodes.
Overall, Infinity Train is pretty good, but it could have been greater had they had a better structure. The seasons are wildly uneven, but those that work are excellent and the subject matter that they explore is quite deep.
Worst Episodes: The Crystal Car, The Campfire Cat and The Mega Maze Car.
Best Episodes: The Map Car, The Toad Car and The Wasteland.
Worst Season: The Perennial Child.
Best Season: Cracked Reflection.