Daffy’s Inn Trouble (1961)

Daffy’s Inn Trouble Review
Daffy’s Inn Trouble is a 1961 animated short film from the Looney Tunes series. It is a phenomenal short.
Daffy Duck vies with Porky Pig in the Western frontier hotel business. Porky has more success, attracting hordes of customers with a live-action saloon party. So, Daffy decides to “undermine” Porky’s good fortune by planting a bomb beneath Porky’s inn. This is such a good cartoon that makes great use of both of these iconic characters. Rarely have these two been better paired than they were here.
Admittedly, even more could have been done with this premise, but for the most part the gags were brilliant and Porky himself was unusually clever and conniving here, which led to Daffy’s increased frustrations. Following his many failed attempts to undermine the pig was so funny and the highlights include the cross-dressing sequence and of course that very smart play on words ending. The pacing and the visuals are both top-notch too.