Crazy Over Daisy

Crazy Over Daisy Review

Crazy Over Daisy is a 1950 animated short film produced by Disney. It’s such a charming short.

In the 1890s, Donald is happily riding his bicycle to Daisy’s, but on the way, Chip and Dale throw him into a lot of trouble. This is a very odd movie in its different time period and romantic overtones, but this change in tone mostly worked as it led to a more memorable viewing experience. I am not quite sure that I like the changed designs for Donald and Daisy, but this was done to fit them into the 1890s, so it ultimately worked and was quite ingenious.

The animation is among the best in this era while the soundtrack is such a delight. The titular song that they gave Daisy was so endearing and just magical. I loved every second of it. The movie works as a romance, but Chip and Dale weren’t utilized all that well here and they were too unlikable in my opinion. The ending punished Donald way too much and he was the victim in this short for sure.

Crazy Over Daisy has problematic comedic elements, but it worked as a charming romance due to polished animation and such a lovely titular tune.

My Rating – 4

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