Coda Review

Coda Review

Coda is a 2014 animated short film directed by Allan Holly. It’s a solid short.

After a drunk man meets with an accident on the road and loses his life, his soul leaves his body. Lost and confused, the soul wanders around the entire city, unaware that Death is following him. This movie did not have anything new or insightful to say about the subject of death and the afterlife, but it did have a more unique visual depiction of death as this huge, hooded figure with a soothing female voice and a motherly attitude.

While the flashing to the life previously lived in its entirety was a familiar element, it was still very well executed. The highlight was the beginning and of course the ending, those were quite visually striking and intriguing. The film is atmospheric in its otherworldly score and very moody animation. The visual style is minimalist yet quite artistic. The voice acting is strong too.

Coda is a short that is familiar in its overall plot, but so well executed in score, visuals and voice acting.

My Rating – 4

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