Castlevania: Bloodlines (1994)

Castlevania: Bloodlines Game Review
Castlevania: Bloodlines is a 1994 platform video game developed by Konami for the Sega Genesis. It’s one of the most underrated entries in this particular franchise.
When Bloodlines was released in 1994, it mostly went unnoticed, and now is more of the same. That’s because it was the lone Sega Castlevania release, which did not help it in terms of brand recognition unfortunately. But the game is so good that it deserves more love and is actually just as good as ‘Super Castlevania IV’ and maybe even better.
The plot is actually pretty good, but it is more told through other media instead of in-game, which is a typical issue for this period’s video games. There are no Belmonts here interestingly enough, but you can choose between two protagonists, a first for the franchise. Eric was too modern for my taste, so I chose John and I liked him for the most part, though he ended up being somewhat forgettable and a bit bland.
The gameplay is actually pretty intact from the Nintendo entries. There are some differences, but for the most part it’s pretty straightforward. There are only six stages, but they are actually very lengthy, resulting in a game that is short, but not frustratingly so. There is an addition of sub-bosses at the middle of each level that are almost as difficult as the final bosses themselves, which made the game definitely harder.
The level design is actually the most tremendous aspect of this game. The spear is very well incorporated into the fights while the scenery changing and actually affecting the player was an outstanding choice that really paid off. There are some truly authentic, inventive sections here, the best ones being those that change physics and reality, such as when you have to walk on the top of the screen, get opposite controls or the go through distorted mirror-inspired sections.
The game is unique in its European setting. Each of the six stages is set in a different European country and every one of them is memorable in their own ways. Atlantis Shrine is the most gorgeous world with the pillars being so well incorporated into the gameplay. The Munitions Factory makes use of the various machines deftly while The Leaning Tower of Pisa is authentic in its up-down traversal. The final castle stage is also pleasantly creepy and magical.
The bosses are actually very strong, at least most of them are. The first couple of them are too easy as expected, but the last bosses are excellent and I loved the final boss that makes you hit certain cards that decide for you which boss you will go up against first. That was very original. Gargoyle Bat was so memorable in the tower setting that makes you confined to a very small space effectively. Elizabeth Bartley was annoying, but Gear Steamer was quite terrific. Although Death was less memorable this time around, Dracula was excellent in all three forms and not too difficult, which was refreshing to witness.
In terms of the graphics, Castlevania: Bloodlines represents the Genesis at its best. There are so many things happening on each screen that it must have been difficult executing this very dense game on such a limited system. The character designs are fantastic, especially of the enemies, but the backgrounds are just as strong and the atmosphere of horror is solidly conveyed. The game is surprisingly gory. The bosses literally scream in agony when you kill them and I honestly loved that element of brutality.
The soundtrack is fantastic. There are a couple of themes here that are instantly recognizable and so much fun. The game’s length is very short at just six stages, but at least those six stages are satisfyingly expansive. The world building was only okay and I wished for a more memorable ending, but at least the level design is very strong throughout.
Castlevania: Bloodlines remains one of the most underrated entries in the Castlevania franchise. It is short and definitely uneven in some of its gameplay mechanics, but the levels are well designed, some of the bosses are phenomenal and the audio-visuals are superb. It really needs more attention.
My Rating – 4.1
My Ranking of Castlevania: Bloodlines Stages:
1. The Munitions Factory
2. The Castle Prosperina
3. Atlantis Shrine
4. The Leaning Tower of Pisa
5. Versailles Palace
6. Ruins of the Castle Dracula
My Ranking of Castlevania: Bloodlines Bosses:
1. Gargoyle Bat
2. Dracula
3. Death
4. Evil Tower Guardians
5. Gear Steamer
6. Medusa
7. Elizabeth Bartley
8. Golem
9. Blue Armor Knight
10. Armor Lord