Best and Worst Films from July 2019



Best and Worst Films from July 2019


Best Films from July 2019:


3. Fire and Ice

This was a very weak month for me, and it rarely happens, but I lost an entire week of movies owing to a laptop crash. Still, I watched some great films and easily the third spot belongs to Fire and Ice which is by far the magnum opus of Ralph Bakshi’s career. The animation is so great, the world building is absolutely astonishing and I just loved this world and its action-adventure elements. It has its flaws, but it’s still a spirited animated adventure that really works.

Fire and Ice Movie Review


2. Missing Link

Laika is finally back after a brief hiatus of lesser efforts. Yes, Missing Link is truly a wonderful charmer with great stop-motion animation and a terrific humor for the most part. I also loved its well-developed characters and I found the story very clever and interesting. It is a wonderfully old-fashioned 19th century-inspired adventure with some great dialogue and strong ideas at play.

Missing Link Movie Review


1. Different from the Others

The first place this time around goes to this seminal LGBT work. Yes, Different from the Others is a 1919 German drama which deals with openly gay characters and homosexuality in an admirably positive, inspiring manner. I found the central character absolutely superb, and played so splendidly by Conrad Veidt. The film is also just a great movie on its own with a thrilling storyline and pace. It’s a flick that has aged like fine wine, and it still manages to both thrill and inspire.

Different from the Others Movie Review


Worst Films from July 2019:


3. Cujo

I liked Cujo first and foremost. It’s a solid movie, and there are no real stinkers on this list this time around. But even though it’s a very entertaining and chilling film with a stellar opening, it succumbs to just typical horror trappings with no real story meat to it or any characterization or themes anywhere to be found.

Cujo Movie Review


2. The Sin of Madelon Claudet

It was important for Helen Hayes to deliver a great performance in this movie as it sorely rested on her shoulders. So her Oscar win is fine with me. But the flick overall is just another incredibly implausible soap opera which is ludicrous in many of its plot points, and downright difficult to believe.

The Sin of Madelon Claudet Movie Review


1. Alita: Battle Angel

Alita: Battle Angel is easily the worst movie I saw this month. Yes, it looks great and the world building is terrific, but I want more from my movies than just great visuals and some solid action here and there. The characters are beyond hollow, and the script is terrible, and filled with so much needless exposition.

Alita: Battle Angel Movie Review

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