American Horror Story: Roanoke (2016)


American Horror Story: Roanoke Review


American Horror Story: Roanoke

Roanoke is the sixth season of American Horror Story and by far its weakest, most annoying creation throughout the years.


Man, I haven’t been this freaked out

since we were in that asylum!


American Horror Story: Roanoke Review


I hate ‘The Blair Witch Project’ so this season being an homage to it, well, I wasn’t happy with that at all. It turned into cheap found-footage nonsense way too much and it simply was never truly scary in any of its scenes, though it did have some strong, memorable imagery, but it was all very underutilized.

Kathy Bates is reliably crazy and villainous here whereas Sarah Poulson steals the show acting-wise as her performance is both terrific and very believable, as is her entire character. Evan Peters’ role is quite repetitive and way too similar to his role in the previous season whereas others such as Lily Rabe, Denis O’Hare and Wes Bentley were all quite underused.

I did like Angela Bassett, though. She’s quite good here. And the same goes for Adina Porter who’s actually the most memorable part of this season as this strong-willed, competent mother. The season has some strong characters undoubtedly, but most are left underdeveloped.

As for the twist, I found it interesting, but overrated. Basically, the first half of the show is just one giant reality show. It was never real in any way. Then, the true action and horror start. I was okay with it for shaking the formula and at least giving us something thrilling, but overall it felt too cheap and sensational as is this whole season.


American Horror Story: Roanoke Review


Especially the violence felt too over-the-top and gruesome, but rarely truly horrific. I also disliked the talk show format of the final episode, that was very annoying and the worst way to end the season in my book. And of course the mockumentary approach was original, yes, but too silly and too repetitive. I did like some of it for sure as it was interesting at times, but mostly I was bored with it.

Overall, this has to be the worst season ever of American Horror Story. Yes, it has its memorable imagery, moments and characters, but the found-footage, talk show and mockumentary approach really felt annoying and excessive more than anything else, and the violence is stupidly gruesome and unnecessary. It never felt scary in any way, but too disgusting for the sake of being bloody and horrible.


Worst Episodes: Chapter 3 and Chapter 10.

Best Episodes: Chapter 6 and Chapter 7.

My Rating – 3.2

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