Star Trek: Insurrection (1998)

Star Trek: Insurrection Movie Review
Star Trek: Insurrection is a 1998 science fiction film directed by Jonathan Frakes and starring himself opposite Patrick Stewart, Brent Spiner and F. Murray Abraham. It’s an okay installment.
“Klingons never do anything small, do you?“
Captain Picard and the crew of the Enterprise decide to find the fountain of youth. When Picard learns that this quest may affect the lives of many people, he decides to commit treason. This is one of your standard Star Trek storylines, in particular reminiscent of the many episodes of ‘The Next Generation’ in regard to this society that is advanced, but don’t utilize their technology and have decided to live simpler lives.
The whole emphasis on the prime directive is also very familiar as are the promises given to the main characters through this magical property of this planet. There is a moving scene with Geordi getting to enjoy the sight of sunset for the first time. There are some touching scenes to be had here, but for the most part this movie is overly similar to many episodes of the show, and thus it felt just like an extended episode more so than a genuine movie.
Data got some great moments here as well. I loved that sequence with the kid where he only wants to feel childhood like that child does. I also liked seeing him diving in the water freely as he is artificial. That was interesting imagery not before seen in this franchise. Picard also got some solid moments, but unfortunately everybody else was straddled with forgettable roles, even including F. Murray Abraham who is unrecognizable with the extensive alien make-up.
Star Trek: Insurrection has way too many villains in its roster, thus they all felt underdeveloped. The main characters fared much better. The dialogue is fine and some of the action scenes are quite well executed, but not grandiose enough for a feature film. The special effects are certainly the biggest improvement since the beginning of the ST movie franchise, but still the movie felt too episodic and short for a blockbuster movie. It’s one of the entries with the least appeal for general audiences.