Hair Love (2019)
Hair Love Review
Hair Love is a 2019 animated short film from Sony Animation. It’s surprisingly strong, especially for this particular company.
The film follows a black family where the mother has cancer and is in the hospital while the father tries to do his daughter’s hair for the very first time. This is a very moving tale that is also quite authentic in how it treats black hair and how different and unique it is from other races obviously. I loved that they presented both messy and great hair, and how daunting it can be for women to do their hair properly at times.
That sequence where the father fought with hair is so good that it should have been longer. I loved the ending with the mother, and the fact that she is alive and not dead made the film more interesting than your usual animated tragedy. The dad is relatable, the mother is badass and the kid is cute. The cat is also quite amusing. Everyone is great, but they all needed more screen time individually. The animation is absolutely amazing in its Disney hand-drawn traditional style.
With charming old-fashioned animation and strong emotion, Hair Love is a great short coming from Sony with a particularly authentic plot.