1984 (1949)

1984 Book Review
1984 is a 1949 dystopian science fiction novel by George Orwell. It is the author’s best work and one of the most quintessential books that you can possibly read.
“Until they become conscious they will never rebel,
and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious“
It follows the life of Winston Smith, a low ranking member of “The Party”. He is frustrated by the omnipresent eyes of the party and its ominous ruler called Big Brother. He dreams of living in a free society and rebelling against the system, but unfortunately that rebellion doesn’t go according to his plans.
First and foremost, I would call this book a novel, not a novella like the author’s other story ‘Animal Farm’. And of the two, this one is a much more powerful story that acts as a brilliant cautionary tale. Secondly, while the genre here is definitely dystopian science-fiction, there are strong political thriller elements throughout the book that made it feel very unnerving and intense.
Whatever the genre and the tone are, 1984 remains an unforgettable, truly horrifying tale that is essentially relevant in any time period possible. That fact in and of itself is horrifying. Something like this shouldn’t be timely in the 21st century, but unfortunately it is and that particular thought is both bewildering and deadening. The book was written in such a way that it’s not overly difficult for anybody to get a firm grasp of its basic ideas, making it of the utmost importance for every person to read at least once in their lives.
This is one of the thematically richest and most socially aware stories that you can find. I’ve personally read a fantastic edition that acts as a student’s handbook with the added material ranging from Orwell’s essays to the glossary of terms and all the way to the historical context. This is a great way to read this novel as it is so dense, so it’s important to at least be aware of the most important world events in the middle of the 20th century, such as the Russian Revolution, Stalin’s regime, WWII and the Spanish Civil War. All of these events play a crucial role in a book that is very much a warning for the future against totalitarianism and societal control by manipulative mass media and overwhelming surveillance.
The book is extreme in its depiction of this immensely totalitarian, rigid, slavish society, but the basic ideas of controlling the populace through various means ranging from technology to brainwashing to even the tools of language still ring true. As a linguist enthusiast, I am particularly fond of Orwell’s knack at the English language and how it’s used. He was so clever not just to construct an entirely new, politically motivated form of English, but also to pinpoint just how manipulative language can be when using it through mass media and brainwashing the population. Just because somebody speaks more elaborately doesn’t change the fact that they are imposing a lie is the most profound idea that the author has and the timeliest especially in this era of false political correctness and controlling the narrative through policing the language.
Although the story becomes a bit too extreme in the psychological and physical torture of Winston in the final stretch, those moments are still heartbreaking and unforgettably brutal, all leading to such a tragic ending that I honestly did not expect. The sense of hopelessness permeates the entire novel, but the ending itself has the ability to make you both horrified and deeply saddened.
Orwell also touches upon the importance of history. When you control the history, you also control the narrative of the present and the future as well. Literature is especially crucial in any age and here those moments where Winston is reading a forbidden book highlight just how valuable knowledge and access to unbiased information are. The theme of loyalty is also very well explored. This is a society where they instill your loyalty only toward the party while even the family can be dangerous as is showcased through the children that are always telling on their parents. Orwell really understood how horrible children can be when given enough power.
Winston is a terrific protagonist. He stands for independence, searching for your own identity and rebellion itself. When he becomes involved with this attractive, rebellious woman named Julia, they break the law not just by rebelling against the party but also by having passionate sex with no intention to conceive a child.
The author very cleverly posits the importance of physical joys such as sex and how pent-up sexual energy can instead be misdirected toward political goals. It was truly revolutionary how Orwell managed to include such a sex-positive narrative all the way back in the forties, a time when this narrative was almost impossible to find anywhere. This element in particular is what makes the novel very modern.
The relationship that the two have is the most human part of the story in a world that is dangerous and hopelessly repressed. Julia is, thus, a crucial character and she’s very well developed too. O’Brien is another fascinating figure. He actually remains highly mysterious even toward the very end, making him even scarier as a result. It was just tragic witnessing Winston’s naiveté and how easily he was manipulated.
He is, thus, a very relatable, complex and realistic protagonist. He’s not overly heroic nor is he too smart, but his innate sense of what is right drives him to commit “thoughtcrime”, but his paranoia and foolish trust in people spelled his ultimate downfall. The other characters aren’t as memorable as this is a novel that is first and foremost concerned with Winston, but his story is quite touching.
1984 is dangerously close to becoming a political pamphlet instead of a genuine fictional story in certain paragraphs, but for the most part Orwell manages to create a cautionary tale that is grounded in reality, but sprinkled with just enough futuristic elements that it doesn’t become too unbearable. Its tone is one full of paranoia and hopelessness, but the more human moments made the book still optimistic in retrospect.
Orwell’s dialogue is weaker than his descriptive passages, but still very effective. Some lines are iconic. The writing is matter of fact, but also suitably stylized in the sections where we get inside Winston’s head. The attention to detail in creating this dystopian world was incredible while the book’s length was just right. As for the best moments, the beginning and the ending were especially powerful and those remain in the reader’s mind the most after reading.